Learning Mari for Beginners - Video Series

What’s this? A series of free videos aimed at beginners to introduce and teach you Mari, the industry standard but incredibly complex VFX texturing piece of software?

Yes… That’s exactly what it is, how perceptive of you. As more parts get uploaded they will be added here. You can subscribe on Youtube to hear exactly when they are released.

Want a model to follow along to? Well check out my Gumroad for free and premium models and content.

Part 1: Projects and Mari

In this first part we will learn the project system and UI of Mari, how to get around in the 3d Viewport and more!

Part 2: The Paint Buffer

In this second part we address one of the strangest concepts inside of Mari that you need to understand to get up and running with the software, the Paint Buffer. You will learn what it is, how it works and how to change its settings.

Part 3: Tools and Palettes

In this third part we go through from start to finish, all the Tools and Palettes inside of Mari that you will need to learn for texturing in the software.

Part 4: Painting and Projecting Images

In this fourth part we go through two of the most important Mari tools and their settings, the paint brush and the paint through image projection tool. Using images from your image manager is a really important part of Mari to help build up your textures, or make quick and convincing masks!

Part 5: Nodes and The Node Graph

In this fifth part we go through Mari’s Node Graph, a fundamental part of the software you need to know to be able to get texturing!

Part 6: Colour Space for Texturing

In this sixth part I have a mental breakdown trying to explain the hardest concept of 3d texturing: Colour space.

But it’s okay though, because memes.

Part 7: Channels & Exporting Textures

Part seven, and we’re at the end of the Mari pipeline – looking at Channels and exporting our textures!

Part 8: Texturing an Asset from Start to Finish